
Showing posts from December, 2016

Monday 8am-5:15pm is the last day to register for the 10th NY Hustle Congress

Why not make it easy on yourself and enjoy the convenience of staying at the host hotel of the event of the year, the 10 Year Celebration of the New York Hustle Congress...we dance until 4am this year!  Our fabulous low low NYC discounted rate of $179 plus the $29 facility fee is  waive  has expired but p lease call  1 800 764-4680 & mention code: NY Hustle Congress, Mon-Fri between the hours of 8-5:15 and you may get lucky and get a room.  If you call after 5:30pm or over the weekend, you will not be able to get the group rate. Please advise your event director, Lori Brizzi if you are in need of assistance in reserving a room at at 516 728-6101 Click Here to RSVP on Facebook and receive event updates! Click Here to RSVP on the Facebook Invite for the 5 day NYC Dance Experience for Updates  Lori Brizzi | Event Director of Millennium Dance ...