MILLENNIUM DANCE PARTIES @ CLUB 412 every 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month 3 separate rooms for Dancing, 3 fantastic DJs! THIS SATURDAY, JULY 17 DJ NELSON 'Paradise' ROMAN in the Hustle Room DJ JEFF STENNETT in the Salsa Room DJ MARK in the Ballroom CLUB 412 412 8th Ave bet W30/31, 4th fl $15 Admission includes choice of free lesson 8-9pm Dancing 9pm-1am/2am in the Hustle Room 1/2 block from the subways and trains . See you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to all who attended the Hustle 2.0 party Nikki Beach. (Picture by Jun Han) Hustle 2.0 is in searc h of a new home. Thanks for your enthusiasm in keeping it going . Will keep you posted with updates on the next party! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEPT 2-5, 2010 - The 6th ANNUAL NEW YORK HUSTLE CONGRESS at THE NEW YORKER HOTEL *The best year yet! Workshops, competitions, shows and lots of social dancing and fun! Early Bird prices are
Showing posts from June, 2010