Greetings Fellow Dancers & Friends! March 20th is the 1st day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, but for those of us who live in the east coast, spring has not been in the air...snow has! I guess we will still have to keep those snow boots and gloves handy! But keep heart dancers, there are still many places to go dancing and keep warm with the music and the company of good people, friends you know and friend's you've yet to meet. *MILLENNIUM FRIDAYS The recession has not slowed the dancers down because the parties are doing well. I am glad you appreciate my $10 recession price so I will continue that at my Backstage and Iguana dances for the month of March. This month they will be the first and last Fridays of the month, respectively. Here are two new nights per month to get out of the dance studios, get out of that tee shirt and have a night out on the town (or wear the tee shirt if you really want to!) First up, Backstage will be this Friday, March 6th (info below). Don...